Jayden McKay - DevBlog - 01

Started concepting the game and car designs with my team, after we decided on what cars we will have, me and Brad worked on making a car one by one taking turns deciding on who makes what, we first started by working on Brad's first few concepts before we started this project and then worked further from here.

We had trouble trying to find reference material besides the coffin car from Simpsons Hit & Run game, so we stuck to the original concept and tried trial and error car parts onto it until we had made the final design.

In the end we stuck with Brads concept idea of the chicken popping out of the coffin and just sitting there flapping around while you drive, we also decided upon modelling individual planks of wood for the coffin and then make a base coffin shape with the planks placed on top which made the design look far more better than to just texture the planks on.

  • Research & References
  • Concepts & Car Models

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