Kelvin - Dev Blog

Week One

We started this week with figuring out a shoot em up style game, I wasn’t here for the Monday due to health issues and when I came back on the Tuesday Lorne and Brad had come up with a concept for a gravitational shoot em up alien game.

I was all for the idea because I love shooter games so I was quite hyped for this game, I was conversing with Lorne and Brad about assets and with Brad doing level and map design, and with Lorne doing programming I put myself as character/asset creator.

Lorne already had a few enemy concepts drawn up so I just scanned them and began modeling them over the next few days, As I finished a model I showed and discussed it with my teammates to see if they had any comments or changes to the characters and Lorne had I change to the salamander enemy, The change we wanted was that the face plate on the character needed to be more horizontal rather than vertical and with that change made I finished off all of the characters.

With all the characters done I moved onto UVing them, It was a bit of a struggle just due to the shape and curves of the enemy’s but I got there with a bit of patience and help from classmates, UVing did take up the rest of the week just due to the work flow I had, So I came in over the weekend to clean up any of the models or get ready to start on the finer detail in zbrush.

Week Two

I started off by importing one of the models into zbrush and started flowing with putting finer detail to the characters, It was a trial and error challenge with constantly talking to the team to make sure we are all happy with the detail on the characters. 

My team liked all of the detail I was giving the characters and from that I managed to finish the detailing of the characters within 2 days, There were some issues with my attendance around week two and somethings were effecting the team and the work flow, Some of these inconveniences were unavoidable due to how serious some were but if I wasn’t at course I was working on stuff at home, I made it my goal to try and finish everything before it was too late.

With the fine detail done I began exporting the high poly models out and move onto texturing the low polys in substance, This was a very quick process that took no longer than a day for these models as Brad had a color scheme ready for texturing and from there it was a breeze to texture.

Once I had finished the texturing of the enemies there were a few things that needed to be modeled and textured as well.

Week Three

There was an arm and gun that needed to be worked on so I got onto that right away.

It took me the week to create those models and texture them, The gun was the only issue with modeling due to Brad and I having different ideas on the gun, I thought it was going to be an AR style gun but Brad thought it was going to be a one handed “pistol“ type gun, We ended up agreeing on the one handed gun and I got to modeling that and I managed to have it high poly’d, low poly’d and textured by Wednesday, and for Thursday I just spent that time working on the arm.

We reused an arm model that Brad had made for another project and we just decimated it till it was a low enough poly to put into the game then we created a high poly model for it as well, then we put it into substance and baked it then textured it and we finished the game over that weekend and submitted it.

Get Micro-Gravity Madhouse

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